Thursday, May 30, 2013

Questions of a Mom to a Soon-to-be Freshman

As my oldest enters the realm of high school I find myself treading on unfamiliar territory.

What now?  

Credits, transcripts, dual credits, ACT, SAT - OH MY!!

Q:  Credit?  What constitutes a credit?

A:  A full year course is equal to 1 credit.  Typically 1 credit is equivalent to 120-180 hours.  A 1/2 year course or 60 hours merits 1/2 a credit.  Elective classes are usually 30 hours (1/4 credit).  On average 6-8 credits are earned per school year.

Q:  Which classes should my freshman be taking to ensure she receives enough credits (general course of study)?

A:   Language Arts - every year
      Math - 3-4 years  Suggested classes:
  • Algebra I
  • Algebra II
  • Geometry
  • Trigonometry
  • Calculus

      Science - At lease 3 years of laboratory science classes.  A good combination includes a year of each of      
                     the following: 
  • Biology
  • Chemistry or Physics
  • Earth/Space Science
     History/Social Studies -  1 full year of U.S. History, 1 full year of World History, & half a year of
                                           U.S. Government & Economics

     Foreign Language - 2-3 years

     Arts - 1 or 2 semesters in the arts is a  good choices (include studio art, dance, music, & drama)

Q:  What are electives?

A:  Typically courses that fall outside of the main core academic subject areas.  Electives are not required, but a student chooses to take them. They typically reflect a teen’s interests, introduce or improve skills, or are directly related to a future career. Electives do not require as much time or work as a core subjects, but should include educational content.
Possible electives include the following:
  • Apologetics
  • Bible  
  • Business Related
  • Communication
  • Computer
  • Fine Arts
  • Health 
  • Life Skills
  • Physical Education
  • Social Sciences

Q:  What is a transcript & where do I get one?

A:   A transcript is a record of the courses your child completed in high school, the credit he/she earned for each course, & a final grade for the course.  They also include a grade point average & personal information for identification purposes.  You can create a transcript for your child.  For sample transcripts & step-by-step instructions see HSLDA High School Website.

Faith Based Boys

Faith Based Boys is a leadership and character development program serving boys 5-18 years old.  The name of this new organization, its logo, along with its program elements will be developed by a coalition of interested parents and stakeholders who believe that a Christ centered, skills based opportunity is necessary for young men “to be raised in the way they should go”.  This coalition, with assistance from American Heritage Girls, is working to provide an interdenominational program that will be available across the nation.  It is set to launch in Fall 2013.

Please see for more information

American Heritage Girls

American Heritage Girls is a nonprofit organization dedicated to the mission of building women of integrity through service to God, family, community and country.  AHG is for girls ages 5-18.  
To learn more about AHG please visit 

For more information about our local troop TX1618 please contact