
Saturday, August 28, 2010

What to do if EC is cancelled

Missing EC due to bad weather is such a disappointment to so many. Here are some things you can do to turn those frowns upside down!

1. Have everyone in your house wear a nametag.

2. Have school, but move to a different room of the house every 50 minutes.

3. Ring a bell when it's time to change classes.

4. Eat lunch on the floor with a blanket. Make sure at least one child cries and another spills their drink so you'll get the full effect.

5. Play "I lost my backpack."

6. At the end of the school day, stack the chairs on top of the kitchen table.

7. Mill around in the driveway talking about what you want to do "after school."

8. If the weather permits, go to Braum's or Taco Casa for a treat!

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