
Saturday, August 28, 2010

10 Ways to Come Up with an Class Idea for EC

If you want to teach a class at EC next semester (and you've attended at least one semester) it's almost time to turn in your class descriptions. Some of you may have LOTS of ideas, and some of you may be drawing a blank. So here are some suggestions to get you started:

1. Pray! God may be wanting to use you in a special way through EC.

2. Ask your kids! Teaching on one of their favorite topics can be very easy; you probably have lots of resources already. (This is how I came up with my Dinosaurs class.)

2. Use a unit study. These can range anywhere from dogs to space travel to the Constitution to India. You can use a made-to-order study or design your own.

3. Ask a board member what's been popular before. Usually fun science classes, physical activities (dance, sports, etc.) and arts and crafts are popular, but there are so many options that kids have absolutely loved.

4. Teach Preschool. If you want to teach, but you don't want to do a lot of extra study, teach preschoolers. They are happy with just about ANYTHING, and their studies are so basic. Science can be about pets or trees, and math can be counting and number games.

5. Use YOUR gifts. Do you love to crochet? Teach it! Do you love poetry? Teach it! Are you knowledgeable about nutrition? Share it!

6. Expand your homeschool. If you're doing something interesting at home, turn it into an EC class. This cuts down on the extra preparation time, because you're already teaching it.

7. Pick one of your favorite books and go with it! (I love Lord of the Rings, so I taught it. It turned out to be a huge hit!)

8. Use the season, nearest holidays, or an election to work with. Christmas crafts, Pilgrims, or the political process work great in the Fall. Gardenting, or the Life of Jesus in the Spring.

9. Think of what you wish you could teach your kid at home, but honestly know it will not happen... like "kids in the kitchen" (if you are the type who cook solo) or math facts- like i really care about those??? But i know I have to teach them to my offspring, so might as well make it a party with snacks so they can count and all!

10. Think back to some of your kids' favorite classes in the past. Could YOU teach it? Probably!

Think of what you love- what are your passions. What are your gifts. Each one of us is really built/ programmed for something. Are you a server, a prayer warrior, a worker, a teacher? Of course we are all teachers, but some really have the gift - others operate in a grace gift and it is not really their love. Work to your own skills. Don't work against yourself putting yourself in a bind each and every Friday.

Never assume a class idea is not going to be popular. Throw it out there & let the board hash out the details. Show yourself ready to teach, willing to change a bit and most importantly honor the LORD!

See a board member for more info, and get the classes turned in EARLY!

Enrichment Class Board:
Kari Davidson 903-429-6215
Nicki Truesdell 940-612-1300
Karen Leach 940-612-3206
Claudia Fink 940-612-1220


  1. Great suggestions!

  2. Great article...and so true! We also have many supplies and books in our cabinet from previous classes that can be taught. I need to get those out.
    Kari Davidson
