
Saturday, September 5, 2009

Typical Day From Tiffany

What in tarnasions does a bunch of rootin' tootin' Outlaws do all day?

I'll tell ya, they drive their sweet, beautiful, happy all the time, never raising her voice, loving, smart, fun, momma CrAzY! Here's how . . .

On the days Big Daddy works, his alarm goes off at 5:30 am. I wish I could say I get up then, but I don't. I hit the alarm give him a shake & go right back to bed until a mischievous little blond headed outlaw or a sneaky little curly bald headed outlaw crawls into bed with me & my little buckaroo. With 4 in the bed, the mommy says, "LET ME OUT!!" I'm up, I hit the computer to check e-mails, turn some christian music on & start draggin' the bigger outlaws out of bed by their feet! Rise & Shine Sunshine!!

8:30 is our goal time for breakfast. We eat, talk about the day & go over memory work.
9ish the boys start their chores & I prepare to start our day of school.
9:30 we should be starting school: Momma's boy does his independent work (Explode the Code, Spelling & Grammar). The Mustangs get a lesson in Phonics & do their HWOT activities)
10:15 I'll probably be breaking up a fight over one of the HWOT manipulatives & sending the Mustangs to a center for a break. At which point I will give Momma's Boy a quick lesson from First Language Lessons.
10:30 I feed them a snack from their "saddle bags" & we do an art appreciation activity "Come Look With Me" series.
11:00 Momma's boy works on his math & the Mustangs & I do Little Hands to Heaven
12:00 They are already hungry again so we take a break & eat lunch & appreciate some good ol' country classical music.
12:30 We will all do science together
1:30 I'll have story time with the Mustangs while Momma's Boy does his handwriting
1:45 The Mustangs are having a much needed quiet time & watching a very educational movie. This is Momma's Boys "Mommy Time" we do reading & then at
2:30 We do our Tapestry of Grace work
3:30 They are racing outside like a bunch of WiLD MuStAnGs!!!

I let my boys play A LOT. The above is an ideal day - which is feasibly, but not always attained. I try not to stress over time (*unless we have some where to be). If they just aren't feeling it that day & need to release some boy energy I turn them loose. If I'm just not feeling it - they escape! :) My goal is not to raise the smartest Outlaws on this country hillside. I just want happy, well-rounded, God lovin', outlaws kids. Their biggest job is to be a kid - there is plenty of time to work & really, playing is their work too. I am total Type A, & I do tend to allow distractions (I might be an ADD mom too!), but we get the job done; however, All work & No Play makes mommy have a CrAzY day!! I try to meet the balance between the two & pray diligently!!

We school 4 days a week & spend the 5th day at Enrichment Class. When we are on break from EC I try to make Fridays fun. Sometimes that means field trips, outside time with me or Big Daddy just hanging out, or just a free play day. Somehow our days get filled rather quickly & we have to use Fridays as our catch up day & actually do schoolwork, but for the most part it is Friday Fun Day. We also do Spirit Days on Fridays.

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