
Tuesday, April 28, 2009

"The ABC's of Christian Parenting" by Robert and Debra Bruce

The ABC's:

A: AFFIRM your child every day as a gift from God, no matter what yesterday's problems were. (Matt. 7:11)

B: BUILD upon your child's talents, seeking to discover God's plan for him (or her!). (Matt. 25:15)

C: COMMUNICATE with your child in a way that glorifies Christ, always asking before speaking, "Would I say this to a friend?" (Luke 2:14)

D: DEDICATE yourself to the body of Christ through commitment to a congregation, regular worship attendance, Bible study, prayer and service. (I Chron. 29:20)

E: EXERCISE self control when you're angry, committing your feelings to the Lord rather than using them against your child. (Eph. 4:26)

F: FORGIVE your child's wrongdoings as the Lord forgives you, and start over together with God's grace and love. (Matt. 6:12)

G: GIVE your child everything she needs instead of everything she wants, even if you have to say "no" sometimes. (Matt. 6:8)

H: HUG your child 10 times every day, especially when he is unloveable. A warm touch can erase even the largest strain in a relationship. (Mark 10:16)

I: INCLUDE Bible study and prayer time in your daily family routine, and challenge your child to do the same. (Matt. 18:20)

J: JOIN in agreement with your spouse, and stand firm together on rules, expectations, and discipline. (Eph. 6:1)

K: KEEP commitments you make outside your home, so your child can observe as you model responsibility. (James 5:12)

L: LIVE each day to the fullest, appreciating the beauty of God's world and the hope of your faith, instead of hurrying through the day. (Phil. 4:8)

M: MANAGE aspects of your child's life that could lead to stress, such as too much activity or television or inappropriate freedoms. (I Cor. 13:11)

N: NURTURE your child lovingly so he can experience God through your example. (Psalm 133:10)

O: OPEN up doors of opportunity for your child as you encourage the development of his skills through education. (1 Tim. 4:14)

P: PATIENTLY wait upon the Lord as He answers prayers for you and your child. (Isaiah 30:18)

Q: QUESTION the reasons for your child's unacceptable behavior as you look beyond the act to its root causes. (Prov. 4:7)

R: RESPECT your child as an individual rather than as an extension of you or your spouse. (Isaiah 11:6)

S:STRIVE to create quality time with your child every day that enables you to listen to her joys, hopes, concerns and fears. (Psalm 90:12)

T:TRUST God to guide you as you prayerfully make daily parenting decisions. (Matt. 21:22)

U: ULTIMATELY, trust your child when he leaves home, knowing you have fulfilled your commitment to God as a Christian parent. (James 1:12)

V: VERBALIZE your thoughts and feelings when you're happy or sad, letting your child know you are still approachable. (Titus 2:7-8)

W: WAIT patiently for your child to pass through stages, realizing that some behaviors, while unpleasant, are quite normal. (Heb. 12:1)

X: EXPECT the best from your child at home, at school, and at play, while also extending grace for human frailty. (I Cor. 13:9-10)

Y: YIELD yourselves to the Lord's way as you seek His guidance each day. (Eph. 5:9)

Z: ZEALOUSLY start each day in prayer and praise, marveling at God's work in the life of your family. (Col. 3:23)

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